Author Archives: Ed Blanchette
Thank you from Tumblestone: Part 4: To the people, crew, artists, and volunteers who helped to make 2023 as special as it was.
Without the people behind the scenes… this thing would not happen. There are so many [...]
Thank you from Tumblestone: Part 3: To the people and businesses, that help keep this thing alive.
We had very little time this year to pursue sponsors for this event, as we [...]
Thank you from Tumblestone: Part 2: To the lifeblood of this festival (the artists/musicians/performers)
Thank you to the bands, musicians, and artists that are the heart of this festival. [...]
Thank you from Tumblestone: Part One: (Preface, and Opening Statement)
Preface: The following was written in segments and/or blocks of time or concentrated sessions that [...]
Thank you from Tumblestone: To the people,crew, artists, and volunteers who helped to make 2022 as special as it was. (PART 3 of 3)
Artists: Melody Covid: The pieces she has made in the last few years are what [...]
Thank you from Tumblestone: to the people and local businesses who helped to make 2022 as special as it was. (PART 2 of 3)
Thank you from Tumblestone: to the people and local businesses who helped to make 2022 [...]
Thank you from Tumblestone: to the lifeblood of this festival, and who helped to make 2022 as special as it was. (PART 1 of 3)
Tumblestone 2022 Music & Art Festival was an absolutely unreal experience. I think this was [...]
Forever Dead! (Rob Fournier)
Forever Dead! photo set from Tumblestone Presents: “Le Cochon Danseur” (august 28/2021) …Is now up [...]
The Thirsty Monks (Rob Fournier)
The Thirsty Monks photo set from Tumblestone Presents: “Le Cochon Danseur” (august 28/2021) …Is now [...]